Grant Thelen
USCCA Firearms Instructor
Susan Hutchcraft has been a full-time Law Enforcement Officer in Kansas for over 17 years, and spent 8 years also working as a Firefighter & Emergency Medical Responder in both Public Safety and Volunteer positions. During her career she specialized in the Investigation of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence & Juvenile Crime, as a Detective and School Resource Officer. Her commitment to community safety & training throughout the years led to opportunities to teach Personal Safety, Security & Emergency Medical skills within the Police Department, School Districts, and as a Cub Scout Leader.
Susan founded Not A Victim Firearms Training in early 2016 in order to provide practical, evidence-based training in a comfortable environment for anyone of any skill level. She has quickly become one of the Nation’s Leading Female Firearms Instructors, personally training over 7,000 students and over 350 new Instructors in the last few years while volunteering with several National Organizations to offer additional training opportunities. Her personal & professional life experience, extensive continued education, understanding of multidisciplinary safety concepts, and commitment to the best interest of her students provide a truly unique training experience.
Professional Certifications Include:
Sworn Kansas Law Enforcement Officer
Licensed Private Detective in Kansas & Missouri
National Firefighter I Certification & Firefighter II Completion
Hazardous Materials Awareness Certification
Hazardous Materials Operations Certification
Hazardous Materials WMD Incident Response Awareness
National Emergency Medical Responder Certification
NRA School Shield Staff Instructor
NRA School Shield Security Assessor
USCCA Account Executive- Kansas & Missouri
Licensed Property & Casualty Insurance Agent in KS, MO, AR, SC & WI
2A Women National Spokesperson & Kansas State Director
National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association (NLEFIA)
Advanced Handgun & Rifle Instructor
NRA Instructor & Training Counselor #218902777
NRA Law Enforcement Handgun Instructor
NRA Law Enforcement Shotgun Instructor
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
NRA Pistol Instructor
NRA Rifle Instructor
NRA Shotgun Instructor
NRA Shotgun Assistant Coach
NRA Home Firearm Safety Instructor
NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor
NRA Women on Target Clinic Instructor
NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home Instructor
NRA CCW Instructor
NRA Hunter Education Instructor
USCCA Instructor & Training Counselor #691829
Kansas Concealed Carry Instructor
Missouri Concealed Carry Instructor
Law of Self Defense Instructor Program Graduate
Law of Self Defense- Self Defense Insurance Explained
Law of Self Defense Level 1- Kansas
Law of Self Defense Level 1- Missouri
Force Science Analyst
Force Science De-escalation Instructor
US Gun Class Kansas & Missouri Instructor
The Well-Armed Woman Instructor & Kansas State Leader
ALICE Training Institute Instructor
ALERRT Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
AVERT- Active Violence Emergency Response Training Instructor
Kansas Hunter Education Instructor
USA Archery Level 1 Archery Instructor
HSI, ASHI & Medic First Aid Level 3 Instructor & Instructor Trainer
Child & Babysitting Safety Instructor Trainer
Advanced First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Trainer
Basic Life Support Instructor Trainer
Emergency Medical Responder Instructor Trainer
Wilderness First Aid Instructor Trainer
Advanced Bleeding Control Instructor Trainer
American Red Cross Instructor Trainer & Training Center
Babysitter's Training Instructor
First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Trainer
Basic Life Support Instructor Trainer
CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers Instructor
Emergency Medical Responder Instructor Trainer
Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor Trainer
First Aid for Severe Trauma Instructor Trainer
American Heart Association Instructor
First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor
Basic Life Support Instructor
ECSI Instructor
Advanced First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor
Wilderness First Aid Instructor
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Instructor
National Stop The Bleed Instructor
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Certification
AGI Glock Law Enforcement Armorer
Continued Training Programs:
Andrew Branca, Law of Self Defense
Arcadia Cognerati
Chuck Joyner, FBI Supervisory Field Agent
Daniel King, Force Science Investigations Team
Dr. Chuck Rylant, Allan Hancock College Police Academy
Dr. Laurence Miller, PhD Clinical, Forensic & Police Psychologist and Neuropsychologist
Dr. Terry Wollert, A Scientific Approach to Reality-Based Training
Dr. William Lewenski, Phd, Executive Director of Force Science
Dustin Salomon, CPP, Building Shooters
EMRTC IED & Suicide Bomber Training
EMRTC Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings
FBI Criminal Sexuality & Rapist Technologies
FEMA AWR-111 Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
FEMA AWR-148 Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents
FEMA AWR-160 WMD/Terrorism Awareness for Emergency Responders
FEMA AWR-208 Crisis Management for Rural Schools
FEMA Civilian Preparedness Training
FEMA ICS-100 Introduction to Incident Command
FEMA ICS-200 Basic Incident Command
FEMA ICS-300 Intermediate Incident Command
FEMA ICS-700 National Incident Management System
FEMA ICS-800 National Response Framework
FEMA IS-216 Federal Disaster Recovery Leadership
FEMA IS-22 Citizen Preparedness
FEMA IS-235.c Emergency Planning
FEMA IS-241 Decision Making & Problem Solving
FEMA IS-5.a Introduction to Hazmat
FEMA IS-906 Workplace Security Training
FEMA IS-907 Active Shooter Training
FEMA IS-909 Community Preparedness Training
FEMA IS-914 Surveillance Awareness
Front Sight, Defensive Handgun Graduate
Gavin DeBecker, Gavin deBecker & Associates
Greg Amundson, FLETC
Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis- Dave Young (Vistelar)
Jamie Borden, Critical Incident Review
Jason Speller, DRAW Academy
Jeff Johnsgaard, Detective Sergeant Canadian Police
John Black, Aragon National Inc
John Bostain, Command Presence Training
Ken Murray, Reality Based Training Association Director of Training
KLETC Response to Active Shooter
Lance LoRusso, Esq, LoRusso Law Firm, PC
Laura Scarry, JD
Lon Bartel, Director of Training and Curriculum at VirTra
Lt Col Dave Grossman, Grossman Academy
Mario Staller, Professor of Psychology
Michael Musengo, Force Science
Mike Goldstein, Provicta
NASRO Basic & Advanced School Resource Officer Certification
National Child Passenger Safety Technician Certification
NCMEC Missing & Abducted Children Training
Neuroanatomy of Street Survival- Tony Blauer (Blauer Training Systems)
Nicholas Murray, Phd, Professor of Kinesiology, Director of the Visual Motor Lab East Carolina University
Nicole Florisi, MS, Sgt, Law Enforcement SME
NREMT Understanding and Responding to School Bomb Incidents
Professor Chris Cushion, Professor of Coaching and Pedagogy at Loughborough University
Royce Gracie, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu & Self Defense
Sandra Adiarte, SAS, CMS, PhD Candidate of Bond University Tactical Research Unit
SANE/SART Sexual Assault Response Team Training
Scott Savage, Savage Training Group
Shawn Thibeault, SPEAR Law Enforcement Division of Blauer Tactical Systems
Simon Baldwin, PhD Carleton University
Taylor McCubbin, ChimeraXR CEO
The Power of Intuition- James Hamilton (Gavin DeBecker & Associates)
Timothy Lee, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology McMaster University
Von Kliem, Consulting Director Force Science
Wendy Dorrestijn, MSc MA, CMDR/Director Nederlandse Politie
William Petty, Centrifuge Training
Professional Memberships Include:
National Rifle Association Life Member
National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Association
International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors
International Law Enforcement Training Network
National Tactical Officers Association
Kansas Peace Officers Association
Kansas Rifle Association
National Wild Turkey Federation
Ducks Unlimited
National Association of School Resource Officers
International Association of Women Police
American Women’s Self Defense Association
The Well-Armed Woman Shooting Chapters
A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League
ASIS International Member
2A Women