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Concealed Carry Training

Live-Fire Included, Firearms

Effective July 1, 2023- Senate Bill 116 eliminates the Attorney General’s $100 fee for concealed carry permits. Reducing the fee ensures that permits are more accessible to law-abiding citizens regardless financial means.

This Beginner-Friendly Concealed Carry Class provides the required training for both Kansas & Missouri Permits, while providing a necessary realistic understanding of personal safety concepts, firearm laws, self defense limitations, mental/emotional preparation, and decision-making skills. Kansas Residents are now eligible for a provisional Permit at 18 years old. Classes are open to any age, but do contain adult material.

An optional Individual Coaching session can be added on to the end of class to provide one-on-one coaching through the Shooting Qualification, including a personalized review of Basic Handgun skills, safety, and guidance for continued skills practice. This option provides a beginner-friendly environment while ensuring all students have the support needed to not only pass the qualification, but to continue practicing in a safe & efficient manner.

Topics covered include:

- KS & MO Concealed Carry Laws & Reciprocity

- Understanding Constitutional Carry

- Prohibited Places & Federal Limitations

- Interaction with Law Enforcement

- Concealed Carry Permit Application Process

- Self Defense Laws & The Legal Process

- Criminal vs Civil Court Procedures

- Local Case Law Review

- Conflict Avoidance & De-escalation

- Visualization Techniques & Safety Planning

- Physiology & Mental/Emotional Preparation

- Home Security & Home Defense

- The Aftermath of Using Deadly Force

- Review of Basic Handgun Fundamentals

- How to Choose the Right Firearm & Ammunition

- Defensive Shooting vs Marksmanship

- Firearm Care & Maintenance

- Holsters, Accessories & Storage Options

- Understanding Other Self Defense Tools

- Continued Training Opportunities & Recommendations

Instructor Susan Hutchcraft is a Kansas Police Officer, NRA & NLEFIA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor, USCCA & NRA Training Counselor, Law of Self Defense Instructor, Force Science Analyst & De-escalation Instructor & Emergency Medical Instructor.

Kansas Concealed Carry Info Missouri Concealed Carry Info

Kansas Gun Law | Guide to Interstate Travel | Missouri Gun Law


Susan Hutchcraft

Susan Hutchcraft

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